Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pop Quiz Friday!

Friday October 16th we will have a POP quiz! Students will receive 5 bonus points on their quiz if a sheet of paper is brought in saying you visited our blog!

Homework: Week of Thanksgiving

 No homework this week!! Enjoy time off with your family and friends!!!

Homework Nov. 12-16

Mon: Common Denominators
Tues: Comparing Fractions Short Cut
Wed: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Thurs: Review Day No Homework
Fri:  Review Day No Homework

Monday, November 5, 2012

Homework: Nov. 5-9

Monday: Retest
Tuesday: Equivalent Fractions
Wednesday: Fractions Equivalent to One
Thursday: Simplify Fractions
Friday: Fractions and Decimals

Monday, October 29, 2012

Homework Oct. 29-November 2

Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! My ankle injury has slowed me down!! Here's the homework:
Mon: Common Factor Worksheet
Tues: Common Factor Worksheet Pt. 2
Wed: Prime Factorization
Thurs: Review
Fri: Unit 6 Test

Monday, October 8, 2012

Homework: October 8-12

Monday: page 186 worksheet over area and peRIMeter
Tuesday: Unit 4 Test
Wednesday: Area/Perimeter Robots
Thursday: Continue robots....6 weeks party!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Multiplication Fact Test

Students will be taking a multiplication fact test this week on Friday.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Homework Oct. 1-5

Mon: Multiplication and Division Word Problems
Tues: All Operation Word Problems
Wed: Compatible Numbers and Rounding (STAAR Worksheet page 84 & 85)
Thurs: Graphs
Fri: Graphs (no homework)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Homework Sept. 17-21

Monday: Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers (word problems complete in class)
Tuesday: Addition and Subtraction (Shopping spree on the computers)
Wednesday: Review for test
Thursday: Unit 2 (Addition, Subtraction, Fact Families, Input/Output, and Solving for "n")
Friday: Multiplication (Word Problems complete in class)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homework 9/10-9/14

Monday: Book Review (complete in class)
Tuesday: TEST
Wednesday: Fact Families Sheet
Thursday: Input/Output Worksheet
Friday: Solve for "n"

Test Next Thursday!

Next Thursday 9/20 students will have a test over addition and subtraction :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Students will have a test on Tuesday!

Homework 9/3- 9/7

Monday: Complete Pg. 7,8,9
Tuesday: Complete Decimal Value Sheet
Wednesday: Complete Pg. 10 #1-15
Thursday: Complete Pg. 12 #1-15
Friday: Rounding Worksheet

Welcome Back

Welcome back!!! Be sure to get all of your paperwork signed!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

It's Summer!!

If you're like me you are THRILLED that it's summer!! Don't forget to practice your multiplication and division need to know them well :)