Compare and Order Decimal Numbers

Decimals can seem tricky! I like to think of decimals as money....
Let's compare these two numbers: 125.55 and 125.75

Would you rather have $125.55 or $125.75...the second choice is more money.

Another way to compare decimals is to stack up the numbers and then compare. Let's order these decimals from greatest to least.
*First look at the largest place value on the left...each of our numbers begin with a 0 so we'll move to the next value.

*Now look at the tenths. We have 5, 4, and 4. We know that 5 is bigger than 4. That tells us that 0.558 is the largest number. Our other digits are both 4 so we need to look at the next place value.

*Now look at the hundredths. Since we already found where 0.558 belongs we don't have to compare it any more. Our values are 2 and 3. Since 3 is larger than 2 we have our order!

* 0.558, 0.431, 0.422

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